
The screenplay for "Broken Toy" was selected as a finalist in the 22nd Edition of SF Indiefest. Congratulations to all the other finalists and Winners!
San Fransisco Indiefest 2020, Finalist
Broken Toy was a finalist in the Best Short Screenplay category of the Rome Prisma Film Awards, December 2019
Rome Prisma Film Awards, Best Short Screenplay
Check out this interview with "Broken Toy" Writer / Director here on the Script Summit Website
In The Spotlight, Geoffrey D Calhoun interview
The screenplay for Broken Toy just made Finalist in the LA International Screenplay Awards! This means it was in the top 5-7% out of over 1200 entries! Judges include Producers, Actors, Directors and Develpment Executives from from NBC, Universal, Hulu, CBS, HBO and Netflix! You can have alook at who the judges are on their website (and maybe enter one of your own projects!)
Los Angeles Screenplay Awards, Finalist
Our first win! Our thanks to the organisers of this great festival. Very proud to have won this competition!